Milyen az angol férfias megjelenés?
Ebben az ANGOL kvízjátékban a férfias megjelenés lesz a fókuszunk központja. A külső ismertetőjegyek, kinézet leírása és az öltözet köré épülnek a kérdések.
A személyleírás nemcsak a vizsgaszituációk egyik gyakori témaköre, de a való életben is hasznát vehetjük. Amikor próbálunk beazonosítani valakit, néhány fontos ismertetőjegyének az említése segítségünkre lehet.
Kvízjáték az angol férfias megjelenésről
A kvíz 10 kérdést tartalmaz. Mindegyiknél 3 lehetőség közül választhatsz, de csak egy a helyes. Miután az összes választ bejelölted, a befejezés gombra kattintva meg is kapod az eredményed. Ha tetszik a játék, kövesd a bejegyzéseket. Legközelebb a hölgyek is sorra kerülnek.
Ha kérdésed vagy kérdésed, javaslatod van, jelezd. Ha van ötleted, hogy milyen kvízt szeretnél látni, írd meg. Jó szórakozást!
Angol kvíz kezdőknek - English Quiz for Beginners
Férfias megjelenés
Warning: foreach() argument must be of type array|object, null given in /www/wp-content/plugins/hd-quiz/classes/quiz.php on line 306
Warning: Undefined array key "random_question_order" in /www/wp-content/plugins/hd-quiz/includes/functions.php on line 105
Warning: Undefined array key "wp_pagination" in /www/wp-content/plugins/hd-quiz/includes/functions.php on line 170
Warning: Undefined array key "pool_of_questions" in /www/wp-content/plugins/hd-quiz/includes/functions.php on line 177
Warning: Undefined array key "results_position" in /www/wp-content/plugins/hd-quiz/includes/template.php on line 75
Warning: Undefined array key "quiz_pass_content" in /www/wp-content/plugins/hd-quiz/includes/functions.php on line 354
Warning: Undefined array key "quiz_fail_content" in /www/wp-content/plugins/hd-quiz/includes/functions.php on line 355
Warning: Undefined array key "share_quiz_results" in /www/wp-content/plugins/hd-quiz/includes/functions.php on line 359
Warning: foreach() argument must be of type array|object, null given in /www/wp-content/plugins/hd-quiz/classes/quiz.php on line 306
Warning: Undefined array key "random_answer_order" in /www/wp-content/plugins/hd-quiz/includes/functions.php on line 309
#1. He’s ….. .
Warning: foreach() argument must be of type array|object, null given in /www/wp-content/plugins/hd-quiz/classes/quiz.php on line 306
Warning: Undefined array key "random_answer_order" in /www/wp-content/plugins/hd-quiz/includes/functions.php on line 309
#2. He is an ….. man.
Warning: foreach() argument must be of type array|object, null given in /www/wp-content/plugins/hd-quiz/classes/quiz.php on line 306
Warning: Undefined array key "random_answer_order" in /www/wp-content/plugins/hd-quiz/includes/functions.php on line 309
#3. He is wearing ….. .
Warning: foreach() argument must be of type array|object, null given in /www/wp-content/plugins/hd-quiz/classes/quiz.php on line 306
Warning: Undefined array key "random_answer_order" in /www/wp-content/plugins/hd-quiz/includes/functions.php on line 309
#4. He is standing with ….. .
Warning: foreach() argument must be of type array|object, null given in /www/wp-content/plugins/hd-quiz/classes/quiz.php on line 306
Warning: Undefined array key "random_answer_order" in /www/wp-content/plugins/hd-quiz/includes/functions.php on line 309
#5. He’s ….. in a dark suit.
Warning: foreach() argument must be of type array|object, null given in /www/wp-content/plugins/hd-quiz/classes/quiz.php on line 306
Warning: Undefined array key "random_answer_order" in /www/wp-content/plugins/hd-quiz/includes/functions.php on line 309
#6. He has dark, ….. hair.
Warning: foreach() argument must be of type array|object, null given in /www/wp-content/plugins/hd-quiz/classes/quiz.php on line 306
Warning: Undefined array key "random_answer_order" in /www/wp-content/plugins/hd-quiz/includes/functions.php on line 309
#7. His trousers are ….. .
Warning: foreach() argument must be of type array|object, null given in /www/wp-content/plugins/hd-quiz/classes/quiz.php on line 306
Warning: Undefined array key "random_answer_order" in /www/wp-content/plugins/hd-quiz/includes/functions.php on line 309
#8. He’s wearing ….. .
Warning: foreach() argument must be of type array|object, null given in /www/wp-content/plugins/hd-quiz/classes/quiz.php on line 306
Warning: Undefined array key "random_answer_order" in /www/wp-content/plugins/hd-quiz/includes/functions.php on line 309
#9. His shirt is ….. .
Warning: foreach() argument must be of type array|object, null given in /www/wp-content/plugins/hd-quiz/classes/quiz.php on line 306
Warning: Undefined array key "random_answer_order" in /www/wp-content/plugins/hd-quiz/includes/functions.php on line 309
#10. He looks ….. a gentleman.
Warning: Undefined array key "results_position" in /www/wp-content/plugins/hd-quiz/includes/template.php on line 80
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